
Whenever I navigate to, I’m met with my profile’s feed of recent activity. It’s nice to see the occasional “[user] {starred/forked} [repo]” message for my own code.

To check the actual traffic to my repositories, I also run my github-traffic-stats script from time to time. It only provides the most basic metrics (unique views and visitors), but it can be helpful to see what other programmers out there may be searching, and finding in my own code.

A sample of the output to a repo that’s been getting a lot of traffic recently:

$ python3 python/ nchah ALL save_csv
Date        Views  Unique visitors
Totals      311    106
2017-04-10  24     5
2017-04-11  32     7
2017-04-12  32     9
2017-04-13  19     8
2017-04-14  7      5
2017-04-15  25     9
2017-04-16  16     7
2017-04-17  17     6
2017-04-18  14     9
2017-04-19  35     11
2017-04-20  27     8
2017-04-21  40     10
2017-04-22  9      9
2017-04-23  14     6