Demo mode: restricted querying.

(v1.0.1) Search for data sets in Toronto Open Data!


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User Guide

How to search?
Enter the search key word in search bar and click ‘Visualize!’ button.
The real button is right above this guide.


How to view the search result?
The space below the search bar will construct the results in a visual graph (or network) arrangement.

How are the datasets arranged in the visualization area?
Datasets that are related to other datasets will be clustered closer to each other. Column names that are common between datasets will be connected to each other. Datasets without any relations will float freely.

What do the different nodes represent?
- Date or time columns are represented with calendar/clock icon.
- Number is represented with number "12" within circle. It includes both integer and non integers.
- Text is represented with alphabet letter "a".
- Columns that are not related are only in grey. Columns that are related to more than one datasets have a sky blue ring in the icon.

Table 1. Node Types
Datetime Number Text
Non-related columns
Related columns

Can user arrange the datasets and its columns?
Yes. The user can arrange the datasets and columns as per their need and convenience. In fact, we recommend you arrange the datasets into easily readable clusters. Single click and drag on any dataset to make the entire result visualization flexible and interactive.

How to freeze the visualization?
Once the user has arranged the dataset or column names, single mouse click on any dataset or column node to freeze the visualization.

How to know additional information about dataset?
- Move the mouse pointer over the dataset node. Small pop-up window will display the dataset size and total number of records in it.
- Double click the dataset to open the open data source web page in separate tab.
- Right click the dataset to read the dataset description.

How to know additional information about columns within dataset?
Move the mouse pointer over the column node. Small pop-up window will display additional information depending on the column data type. Possible value ranges will be shown based on data attributes:
- Nominal attributes - Mode. E.g. frequently occuring Route id.
- Binary attributes - Binary values. E.g. wheel boarding or not.
- Ordinal attributes - Range of values within dataset. E.g. ranking.
- Numeric attributes - Average and range.